Did I ever mention how much I hate apples???
I hate the taste, I hate cutting them up and peeling them. I even hate the seeds dropping from them. Did I mention I hate the thought of apples??? I hate them worse than potatoes and at least with the latter, I can handle french fries...
A few years back, the hubby decided to buy several apple trees from 2 nurseries and we planted 6 of them, two separate rows. One didnapos;t come back the following spring and we replanted it somewhere else. Several years later, the one that acted like it was dead, not only flourished but produced and now, many years later, itapos;s the best tasting apple in the bunch(according to my taste buds). Extremely juicy and sweet Canapos;t say enough about it. Produced by Dakota State, itapos;s very hardy. Now the hubby wants to ad Honey-crisp to the orchard. Not another apple tree, please... Oh well, let him do it, but what do we do with all the apples? Fed a bunch to the horses, to the birds gave a bunch away, even to my mom. Needed the trip to her place to see how she was doing anyways...
Now I find myself, telling myself to make apple pie, freeze apples, bake something, make apple jelly, jam, apple butter, even sliced applesauce. Spice everything up with sugar and cinnamon. ...but, I keep stalling. This morning finally, I decided to tackle the apples. As I was cutting, peeling, etc... I was taste testing along the way. Gawd Did I mention I hate apples After a bite or two, I finally spit them out. I found I was going to throw up if I ate another bite. I couldnapos;t handle the taste. When I was a kid, oh how I loved Delicious apples, especially the golden ones. But apples werenapos;t really my favorite fruit, in fact, they werenapos;t even near the top. Oranges were, Bananas were 2nd in line. Now as an adult, apples almost make me choke and they honest to God, make my stomach sick, just running them across my tongue. How I manage to chew `em up and choke them down, I havenapos;t a clue. The hubby says not to eat `em, but how do you make something and not take a bite? I made a cobbler soon after weapos;d picked some apples off the trees. It was good, but by the time I had the 2nd serving, I could feel that funny feeling well up in the pit of my stomach. My stomach is telling me something... It doesnapos;t want another apple down itapos;s gullet. Even my daughter told me within the last 2 days, how sheapos;d gotten sick of eating apples and grew bored of them and just stopped eating them.
Since childhood, apples have become my worst food I believe. Worse than that, I hate waste. I picked up apples when they fell from the trees and fed them to the horses, and birds. That was fun... I really enjoyed seeing the critters attack the apples and eat `em up like they were the best thing theyapos;d ever eaten. Almost as if they were candy.
So... After cutting and peeling, slicing and dicing, almost 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket of apples, I did something...
I dumped the whole works back into another 5 gallon bucket. Iapos;m gonna slowly feed them back to the horses and birds. Itapos;ll be good for them. Organic... What difference does it make - the birds will produce eggs. I like them better anyways, and if I get a wild hair, I can always buy a sack of apples and make whatever it is I want, fresh.
What cracks me up? Is the fact that I win so many ribbons off the jams and jellies Iapos;ve made from them. How can that be???
If and when the hubby decides to buy that Honey-crisp tree, Iapos;m gonna ask if he can also purchase a nectarine tree. I love nectarines Iapos;d probably get sick of them though. Theyapos;re kind of messy. Hmmmm... Maybe, an orange tree. I love marmalade. Iapos;d never get sick of that. First time I ever made it, I won 1st place at the fair. I should make some more. Weapos;re out of it now.
but... Another apple tree? Cough, cough, choke, puke......
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