Itapos;s a good day to speak your mind, Setsuko. Notthat you generally have much trouble with this as an Aries. However,even you can face situations where you can feel intimidated andhesitate to speak up. Not today, though. Thereapos;s not going to be anycircumstances that you wonapos;t be able to handle, as the energy thatapos;shappening will boost your abilities. If thereapos;s someone youapos;ve beenreluctant to approach, make a move to talk with them.
Dear Diary,
SCARY HOROSCOPES X_X how many times must I say such a thing? This is right on the fucking dot...
I asked Ryan out today...I was kinda reluctant because he was aroundother people. So as soon as the bell rang he shoot out of his chair andleft. I was holding a graded essay (75 ^^;) and I went to toss thingsin my backpack so fast I snapped a nail and paniced afraid Iapos;d miss mychance, so I told Medhia to hold my essay while I ran to catch up withhim. I did and he was talking to a few people which made me nervous toapproach. Soon Medhia was walking next to me and she urged me onslightly and I asked her to call him out for me and she did. He didnapos;tturn around and sudden I felt frustraited and was all "RYAN HEYRYAN" and he turned around. I asked him to wait up but the crowdpushed him foreward, I thought he might leave. But instead he waitedoff to a side and said
"I heard someone calling me"
"Yeah it was me...Medhia Iapos;ll see you in sixth."
Medhia walked off and Ryan and I walked in the crammed halls.
"I just wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Well- I wanted to know if you wanted to go out."
"WellSee I was going to write you a letter- but I couldnapos;t do it. I justcouldnapos;t because it felt completley stupid to hand you a letter andthen stroll off..So I had to ask you I mean if you donapos;t want to itstotally ok, I wonapos;t crash on the ground and cry Iapos;m not all draumaticlike that n_n;"
"If you donapos;t want to its ok ^__^;"
"Nono, its not that- I donapos;t know. Iapos;ve been waiting for someone to askbut like- Iapos;ve been trying to get enough money and a car and stuff..andyeah...I havenapos;t been asked in a while"
He then took a glance at his wrist as if a watch were attached and I chuckled
"Yeah Iapos;ll be you havenapos;t been ask out in almost an hour"
"Nope, 10 minutes starting...NOW"
We shared a laugh
"But- yeah I think I probably will..."
"Ok Well just think it on- I have to go to class Im gonna be late"
A small mutter was heard. A mutter of pleasement supposidly. "thank you"
What a day.
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