суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

car show wet t shirt contest


itapos;s been so long that your touch feels like fingertips on my skin that have never been there before. Yet, they feel so right, like their home had been established centuries ago. Traces of what existed before run as deep as rivers now. I always thought those bodies of water had long been dried up, but seeing you again has made them overflow with fresh water. Feelings that i tried to make myself believe were buried under decayed leaves and rotten earth have transformed into life itself; flowers bloom in rich soil atop a grave that never existed in the first place.
i never thought iapos;d see your beautiful face again, be in the presence of your perfection or kiss your lips that i yearned to press against for what seemed like an eternity. Itapos;s like a waking dream that i never want to fall asleep on and lose grasp of. You can do something as simple as walk across the room and my eyes are locked onto your beauty, unable to look away in the fear that they will never be graced with such a vision again. I can feel your energy run through mine from across the room, from across these states, from across the planet if circumstances created such a situation.
you are a creature i have never in my life encountered before. My soul sleeps next to yours even though youapos;re miles away. My heart beats in synch with the rhythm of yours even when weapos;re not in an embrace. Your words from yesterday, from last month, from five years ago linger in my memory bank and will forever be locked in an impenetrable vault. I canapos;t help but remember all of the nights that we spent together, they will forever remain like no other even if we were to never cross paths again. The smell of your hair, your skin places me in a secret garden where the thought of you only exists.
i love you.
car show wet t shirt contest, car show wet t shirt contests, car show wheels.

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